School website audit

Religious Education and Collective Worship


Checkbox Ticked with solid fill


Name of school


Type of school e.g. primary/secondary, academy/maintained


Published ethos and values statement?



Reference to spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development?



Reference to ‘British Values’ and tolerance of those with different faith and beliefs?



Curriculum Statement for RE?



Some curriculum planning acessible to parents? Year-by-year?



Reference to the new Agreed Syllabus?



KS4: mention of non-examination course?



KS4: mention of exam board for Religious Studies?



KS4: mention of examination outcomes?



KS5: mention of non-examination course?



KS4: mention of exam board for Religious Studies?



KS5: mention of examination outcomes?



Named RE Lead?



Mention of RE in the latest Ofsted report?



Reference to collective worship?



Policy: RE?



Policy: Collective Worship?



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